This is the page on the site where you,the reader get to know a little about me, Bonnidette (the site manager of sayings

What I Love

Fist thing you need to know is that I LOVE words. I find real power in words. I am fascinated with sayings, quotes, expressions and idioms. I don’t just collect them for this site. I have them posted on my desk both at the home office and my work office. They are on my refrigerator, my mirrors and anywhere else I can put them.

The way words are formed into sentences or sayings can move a person to tears or make them stand up and cheer. That is why I love them so much. I’m a writer, so I guess that explains a little about my love affair with the human language, but it is so much more. I really enjoy sharing these fabulous quotes and saying with others.

How This Site Came To Be

I have been collecting sayings and quotes for as long as I can remember. I got my first book of quotes and poems when I was about 13, that’s been over 20 years ago. Since then I have collected many more books and have visited numerous websites all dedicated to sayings, quotes and expressions. One because I just love them and two because I use them in my writing for impact.

This is not the first website I have built, but what I found is that the sites I do build all have quotes sections on them, so I thought why not build a website dedicated to just sayings and quotes. Then I started building this site and thought well, how about adding idioms, expressions and proverbs as well cause I like those too and others might enjoy finding all those thing in one place instead of having to search the whole web to find each one of those separately.

How You Can Get Involved

As I continued to build more pages on this site and realized how much I loved sharing my favorite quotes and sayings, I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be cool if others could share there favorite sayings and quotes as well. You guessed it I decided to build some pages that allow you; the visitor, to add your favorite quotes and sayings as well.

My goal is to make this site the number one sayings and quotes site on the web and with your help I know we can do just that.