Fathers Day Sayings and Quotes About Fathers

On this page you will find a large collection of fathers day sayings and quotes about fathers. You’ll find those perfect fathers day quotes right here on this page. Enjoy!

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Fathers Day Sayings

The greatest gift I ever had
Came from God; I call him Dad!
~ Unknown


It’s only when you grow up, and step back from him, or leave him for your own career and your own home—it’s only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it. Pride reinforces love.
~ Margaret Truman

Small boy’s definition of Father’s Day: It’s just like Mother’s Day only you don’t spend so much.
~ Unknown


One night a father overheard his son pray: Dear God, Make me the kind of man my Daddy is. Later that night, the Father prayed, Dear God, Make me the kind of man my son wants me to be.

Sherman made the terrible discovery that men make about their fathers sooner or later… that the man before him was not an aging father but a boy, a boy much like himself, a boy who grew up and had a child of his own and, as best he could, out of a sense of duty and, perhaps love, adopted a role called Being a Father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a Protector, who would keep a lid on all the chaotic and catastrophic possibilities of life.
~Tom Wolfe

A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty.

Be kind to thy father, for when thou wert young, Who loved thee so fondly as he? He caught the first accents that fell from thy tongue, And joined in thy innocent glee.
~Margaret Courtney

My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.
~ Jim Valvano

There’s something like a line of gold thread running through a man’s words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself.
~John Gregory Brown

Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever.
~ Unknown

I talk and talk and talk, and I haven’t taught people in 50 years what my father taught by example in one week.
~ Mario Cuomo

By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong.
~ Charles Wadsworth

They say that from the instant he lays eyes on her, a father adores his daughter. Whoever she grows up to be, she is always to him that little girl in pigtails. She makes him feel like Christmas. In exchange, he makes a secret promise not to see the awkwardness of her teenage years, the mistakes she makes or the secrets she keeps.
~ Unknown

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Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope.
~Bill Cosby

Sometimes you get discouraged, because I am so small
And always leave my fingerprints on furniture and walls
But every day I’m growing, I’ll be grown someday
And all those tiny hand prints will surely fade away
So here’s a little hand print just so you can recall
Exactly how my fingers looked when I was small
~ Unknown

It is a wise father that knows his own child.
~ William Shakespeare

A father is a banker provided by nature.
~ French Proverb

Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a dad.
~ Anne Geddes

One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.
~ George Herbert

If the past cannot teach the present and the father cannot teach the son, then history need not have bothered to go on, and the world has wasted a great deal of time.
~Russell Hoban

It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.
~ Anne Sexton

A father turns a stony face to his sons, berates them, shakes his antlers, paws the ground, snorts, runs them off into the underbrush, but when his daughter puts her arm over his shoulder and says, ‘Daddy, I need to ask you something,’ he is a pat of butter in a hot frying pan.
~ Garrison Keillor

To her the name of father was another name for love.
~ Fanny Fern

Great Ideas

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You could use one of these fathers day sayings to create a one of a kind gift for dad like a t-shirt or a coffee mug with your favorite fathers day quote.

It is not flesh and blood but the heart, which makes us fathers and sons.
~ Johann Schiller

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A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.
~ Billy Graham

When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry.
~William Shakespeare

Father taught us that opportunity and responsibility go hand in hand. I think we all act on that principle; on the basic human impulse that makes a man want to make the best of what’s in him and what’s been given him.
~ Laurence Rockefeller

You know, fathers just have a way of putting everything together.
~ Erika Cosby

Small boys become big men through the influence of big men who care about small boys.
~ Unknown

My father was very strong. I don’t agree with a lot of the ways he brought me up. I don’t agree with a lot of his values, but he did have a lot of integrity, and if he told us not to do something, he didn’t do it either.
~ Madonna


Daddy, I love you
For all that you do.
I’ll kiss you and hug you
‘Cause you love me, too.
You feed me and need me
To teach you to play,
So smile ’cause I love you
On this Father’s Day.
~ Unknown

One father is enough to govern one hundred sons, but not a hundred sons one father.
~George Herbert

Fathers, like mothers, are not born. Men grow into fathers – and fathering is a very important stage in their development.
~ David M. Gottesman

Father! – to God himself we cannot give a holier name.
~William Wordsworth


Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father!
~Lydia M. Child

I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.
~Sigmund Freud

I’ve had a hard life, but my hardships are nothing against the hardships that my father went through in order to get me to where I started.
~Bartrand Hubbard

A father carries pictures where his money used to be.
~ Unknown

Dad, you’re someone to look up to no matter how tall I’ve grown.
~ Unknown

When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.
~Mark Twain

We many not shower him with praise
Nor mention his name in song,
And sometimes it seems that we forget
The joy he spreads as he goes along,
But it doesn’t mean that we don’t know
The wonderful role that he has had.
And away down deep in every heart
There’s a place that is just for Dad…
~ Unknown

He didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.
~Clarence Budington Kelland

My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, “You’re tearing up the grass.” “We’re not raising grass,” Dad would reply. “We’re raising boys.”
~Harmon Killebrew

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