Fastpitch Softball Quotes

54 Softball Quotes:

see also our Softball Sayings and Quotes Page

Good players inspire themselves. Great players inspire others. ~Submitted by: anonymous

Play every game like it’s your last ~Submitted by: Coach Alex (The Heat)

More than a sport more like a passion. Red dirt and bruises are in the fashion, the wind up, the pitch, the scrambling defense, this is what softball ia all about. Intense parents in the stands, anxious coaches waving there hands, the swing of the bat the ball the glove this is softball. The game i love!!!!!! ~Submitted by: Mvargas (NY)

softball- the sport i have grown more and more to love i think of it as a time to be free and a time to show everyone everywhere what you are really made of!!! before i release the ball that is about to blow the catchers mit off i stair into the eyes of that batter who wants a piece of the ball that is in my hand, at that moment I look into her eyes and say “no way man” and blow it by her. The game of softball. ~Submitted by: Harmony (Rudyard Michigan)

when you get hit and I’m on the mound you might not wake up ~Submitted by: Ashley R (USA) PINK SOFTBALL GLITTER

Softball it’s not a sport it’s a passion. ~Submitted by: by Breanna Softball Queen (Arizona)

WHEN THE BALL IS COMING AT 100 MPH FROM PITCHER THERES NOTHING SOFT ABOUT THAT ~ Softball Quote Submitted by: Madison (malvern ar)

lets get fired up
we are fired up
lets get fired up
we are fired up
lets get fired up
we are fired up
lets get fired up
we are fired up
no your not
yes we are
no your not
yes we are
no your not
yes we are
then prove it
we will ~Submitted by madison nicole pettit (malvern ar)

Diamonds are a girls best friend but I don’t think they realized I meant the one with dirt all in it. :)~Submitted by: Bailey Robinson

Anything is worth doing wrong until you get it right. ~Submitted by Anonymous


People say baseball is better but on my account softball is much better. I mean who plays with the bigger ball? It’s not my fault it’s smaller! ~Submitted by: Anonymous

If you cant tell people your team is like a family then you don’t play fast pitch softball ~ Softball Quote Submitted by: Anonymous

Play each inning like they are the last minutes in your whole softball career so don’t regret anything you do
~Submitted by: Anonymous

There are a couple of key words in FASTPITCH SOFTBALL: They are FASTPITCH and SOFTBALL there is no such thing as slow pitch in our game ~ Fastpitch Softball Quote Submitted by: Anonymous

Softball isn’t about how many pitches the pitcher pitches or about how many strike-outs there are its about how many people you meet with the same crazy passion as you.~Submitted by: Anonymous

..forget how i look just watch my game! PLAYING SOFTBALL MAKES ME MORE CONFIDENt!
…always remember that softball is a team game NOT INDIVIDUAL and lastly before and after the game just don’t forget to thanks our ALMIGHTY GOD.
~Submitted by: Fita Colyong (mankayan,Benguet.philippines) FOUR PHOTOS

Softball’s not just about playing the game, it’s about LIVING IT. ~Submitted by: Karlee

I was a girly girl till you handed me a ball, glove, and bat. ~Submitted by Savannah Brook Linan (Upland,CA)

hey batter batter listen to us chatterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr SWING! ~Submitted by Savannah (Webster, TX )

Never stop playing the game you love because someone told you your not good enough. ~Submitted by Bree (Pecatonica, IL, US)

Take advantage of what life gives you.~Submitted by Anonymous

Hard work Works, Lead, Follow, or get out of our way.~Submitted by Anonymous

Softball is the reason Washing Machines and Bleach are so popular. Don’t think so? Just ask a softball Mom.~Submitted by Mary Roach (Missouri)

To some, it’s a sport, but to us, it’s an obsession. ~Submitted by Unknown

A softball player;
A girl, who, once steps onto the field is transformed into a relentless athlete who will stop at nothing to win a game. Characteristically, with grass stains, bloody knees, ratted hair, sweat running down her face, and uniform, and yet she still wants more.
That’s desire and passion. ~Submitted by Amanda (Minnesota, Pitcher)

We bust ours to kick yours!!! ~Submitted by sblover4life (Vernon Jackets )

Weather you win or lose it’s how hard you played and how much you put into the game ~Submitted by T.B

Unless you work hard every day, working as hard as possible. Come game time your going to come short. Softball is 100% everything you got!
~Submitted by Jenny (Lincoln)

Softball has Life Lessons..
-play as a team
-work your hardest!
-Trust in your team and coaches your ready to play
-Learn to lose
~Submitted by Jenny (Lincoln)

Never say you can’t! If you say that then you really can’t! Try and sometime you will reach your goal.
~Submitted by Jenny (Lincoln)

The difference between a good team and a great team is being able to over come mistakes. ~Submitted by anonymous

The faster the pitcher throws, the farther the softball goes when you hit it. ~Submitted by Lexi (USA)

I’m a black belt in softball

you wish i could hit like a girl

95% 0f softball is 100% mental

there’s nothing soft about it

~Submitted by PR

Fans love me…. pitchers fear me… ~Submitted by anonymous

When u step on to the filed and the score is 0-13 you can always come back and win because the game is not over till u shake the other teams hand ~Submitted by Amanda Frey (Springfield MO)

When I step into the batters box and hear my team say my name and they all cheer for me i feel as if i need to hit the ball for them! Softball is life and nothing comes before it ~ Softball Quote Submitted by Hannah (Illinois)

Softball might just be a game to you, but to me its life. ~Submitted by Mason

The field is my house. The dougout is my room. The batbag is my closet. I live a softball life.~Submitted by P.S. (Nebraska)

We aren’t cocky, we just know we are good ~Submitted by anonymous

I love the summer…. the warm weather, hangin out with friends, and swimmin in the warm water….. but most importantly grabin a glove and a ball and playin some softball in the heat.~Submitted by Madison

On Halloween you hit people up and get free candy… When your up to bat and get hit, then you get a free base!!~Submittedby Hannah (Van Buren, IN, USA)

Softball is my sport, my game, and my life
~Submitted by anonymous

I wish I Could help, but I’m to busy kicking your butt!
~Submitted by anonymous

If softball was easy, they’d call it baseball.
Softball is not just a game, it’s a way of life. ~Submitted by Brooke (Sandusky, OH, USA)

No grass stain, no story.
No bruises, no glory.

~Submitted by: Sarah D. (Leesburg, Va)

Never turn your back on your team thinking your the best!
~Submitted by Jenny (Lincoln)

The opponent team didn’t beat you, you beat yourself ~Submitted by anonymous

Life is like an outside pitch, you just have to go with it. ~Submitted by Julie Melanson (Gardner, MA, USA)

Dream it, Play it, Live it, Softball!!!!!!!! ~Submitted by Sierra (Evergreen Alabama)

I hate losing. I mean, I love winning, but losing is a much more intense feeling. When I lose, I take it very personally.~Submitted by Miranda Moreno (Indio, CA)

There’s no crying in softball ~Submitted by anonymous

Do you work hard while playing with your team? Working hard is a good thing. If everyone works hard, you can win the game. ~Submitted by Kalee (East Lansing, Mi, USA )

If your hungry for more softball see also our softball quotes and softball sayings page.

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