Author Archives: phunguyen

The Best Virginia Woolf Quotes of All Time

Virginia Woolf quotes are masterful and full of insight and wonder. Below you will find a huge collection of quotes by this amazing author featuring topics such as quotes about literature, quotes on ageing, quotes on peace and war, quotes on people and opinions and many others. Virginia Woolf Quotes Virginia Woolf quotes on ageing […]

Agatha Christie Quotes and Sayings

The Best Agatha Christie Quotes Ever: It’s what’s in yourself that makes you happy or unhappy. ~Agatha Christie Agatha Christie on Living and Dying I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing. I live […]

Dealing With Adversity Quotes

30 Inspiring Dealing with Adversity Quotes: Difficulty, my brethren, is the nurse of greatness, a harsh nurse, who roughly rocks her foster-children into strength and athletic proportion. ~William Cullen Bryant The superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest; success comes only after. ~Confucius He knows not his own strength that hath […]